Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Genetic Disorder Response Blog

After I completed my project on Down Syndrome, I took the time to look at other people’s blogs and I found a very interesting blog posted by silver star. Silver star’s blog was on the genetic disorder known as Patau’s Syndrome, and it was very descriptive and informative. I learned many facts regarding this genetic disorder; for example, I learned that this disorder is caused by three copies of chromosome 13. Also, I found out that one in every sixteen thousand fetuses is diagnosed with Patau’s Syndrome. People who are born with this disorder can have certain abnormalities including extra fingers or toes, heart defects, and incomplete eyesight, to name a few. Another bit of information I have learned while reading this blog was that people with Patau’s Syndrome die at a very young age. In fact, the oldest age that someone has lived when diagnosed with this disease is the age of 33. This is a very sad and upsetting disease, because I learned lastly a very sad fact. 82% of the infants who are diagnosed with Patau's Syndrome and survive birth die within the first month of their lives. This article was very informative and well organized, but it made me feel very sad. I was sad while I read this article because this made me aware of the worst disease I have ever known. I have never thought it would be possible that a disorder could be this severe. This article made me aware of this disorder, and I will now know that this disorder is out there. These types of disorders exist out there in the world, and we all should be more aware of all of them, and treat the people who have them with special care and respect.

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