Thursday, January 22, 2009

Less trees affect us all

Trees in the western United States are in trouble because temperatures are on the rise and there are drought-like conditions in this region. Warmer weather and decreased water supply mean dwindling forests are no longer absorbing greenhouse gases and this makes them more vulnerable to pests and fires. Studies have shown that in areas where temperatures rose by one degree Fahrenheit and average rainfall and snow pack runoff decreased; trees have a higher mortality rate. These areas include the Pacific Northwest, California, and the inland Western States. The growth rate for trees has not changed, so the forests are losing trees faster then they are being replaced!! Therefore, forests will be comprised of mostly fewer, smaller trees. These smaller trees are not able to convert as much CO2 as the larger trees. Animal species depend on the trees to convert CO2 to oxygen. So these habitats with smaller trees would no longer be an acceptable living area for certain species.

Analysts are unsure if the warming temperatures are a result of global warming or just part of a natural climate cycle. One thing is for sure, the trees are in danger and something needs to be done to help them. http://

In my opinion, this article was very informative and it made me think about the damages warming temperatures are causing. Trees are crucial to the survival of humans, and how do we repay them, by killing them. And by killing the trees, we also damage everything else on earth, because all living things depend on trees and plants to supply a clean, breathable supply of oxygen. If all of us take action to help this cause, we can guarantee a brighter future for us and trees to come.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social Studies Inauguration Blog

The topic that I chose to research was the inauguration of the 44th president, Barack Obama. The inauguration is the event in which the president-elect and the vice president-elect, swear in to office and become the new president and vice president. This inauguration that I researched is truly historical because it is the inauguration of our first African American president.

The first article that I found on the inauguration was descriptive about the day’s events. On Tuesday, America celebrated its first African American president. At 4 a.m. a large crowd began assembling to witness what turned out to be a very historic day. Barack Obama, after swearing in on the same bible that Lincoln used, gave a very persuasive speech. In his words, he vowed to make America a better country by stopping conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, helping with the economical crisis, and ensuring the lives of all Americans would be better. He stated that our nation’s challenges are overwhelming, but, as seen in our past history, we are a country with great determination. “Greatness is never given, it is earned,” he said (page 1). All over America, people gathered in bars and on the street and children assembled in schools to watch the historic day’s events. Leaders from around the world offered congratulations. After the address, Obama went into the capitol and signed his first documents, including cabinet nominations. The Obama family was driven to the White House where the first family watched the rest of the parade from outside their new home. I found this article to be very interesting and descriptive and I enjoyed researching this historical topic.

The second article that I read discussed the size of the crowd that attended the National Mall to witness the inauguration. Prior to the event, it was estimated that about 2 million people would attend. Satellite images are indicating the actual size of the crowd may be at about 1 million, according to Clark McPhail, a professor emeritus of the University of Illinois. “It was sparser than I thought,” said MchPail. “There were lots of open spaces.” (page 1) The Associated Press placed the count of the crowd to be more than 1 million. And the Washington Post estimated total onlookers to be 1.8 million. The Park Service no longer provides a count of the inauguration crowd, but because of the historical aspect of this inauguration, the Service hopes to provide an accurate number later this year. At that time, we will know if this inauguration sets the record for the most attendees. The current record is held by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who inauguration was attended by 1.2 million people. I found this article to be interesting and informative. I believe that when the Park Service announces the count of the crowd, this inauguration crowd will set the record. It was such a historical day for our country.,0,3359744.story

In my opinion, the inauguration of Barack Obama as our country’s 44th president is a very cool change for the United States of America. He has many new and exciting plans for our country. I am very excited to have witnessed history.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Class Response

As the school year progresses, I continue to expand my knowledge in my Omega science class. Currently, my class is learning about waves. Waves are disturbances that travel through a medium such as air or water. I have learned that there are two types of waves, longitudinal and transversal. I have also learned that there are numerous examples of waves other than just water waves in the ocean. There are chemical, electrical, sound, and radio waves, and many more. Finally, I learned that a transversal wave is a moving wave that consists of oscillations occurring perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer and that a longitudinal wave occurs when vibrations are in the same direction as the plane of motion. Outside of school, I have studied about waves by using the internet. I visited the website: . I learned that waves can interfere with each other. Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves have simultaneous displacement in the same direction at the same point. A rogue wave is an example of constructive interference. Also, destructive interference occurs when two or more interfering waves have a displacement in the opposite direction and cancel each other. In my opinion, this topic was so fun and interesting to learn. My class saw wave simulations and we saw a demonstration with a slinky. I had trouble with this topic in the beginning, but as I participated in the activities, I understood it better. Overall, this topic was great.