Sunday, November 30, 2008

Class Response

Since joining the Omega unit, I have learned many new things in science class. One of the most interesting topics that our class studied is food webs and food chains. I have learned that food webs are actually overlapping food chains and that a food chain describes the eating relationships between species within an ecosystem. I now understand that there are many food chains and food webs, not just one. I have also learned about these topics outside of school. Using the internet, I learned that food chains have only 4 or 5 links most of the time. Most animals are part of more than one food chain and they eat more than one type of food to meet their food and energy requirements for their health. I visited the website to find out that information. I really liked this topic because it was very interesting and was really simple to learn. I played computer games, like the food chain game. In this game, I had to put animals in to food chain order. For example, the grass is eaten by the mouse, which is eaten by the wolf. I also completed other activities to help me understand the topic better.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Class Response

My science class is currently learning about symbiosis. I have learned many new things about symbiosis. Symbiosis is a close relationship between two organisms in which one organism lives near, on, or even in another organism and in which at least one organism benefits. I have learned that there are 3 types of symbiosis - mutualism, communalism, and parasitism. Mutualism is where both organisms benefit. Communalism is where one benefits while the other organism is not harmed. Finally, parasitism is where one organism benefits while the other is harmed.

I have learned facts about symbiosis using resources (see below) outside of science class. I learned that I have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria in my body. I depend on the bacteria to produce vitamin K for me – which helps clot blood. I also learned that hermit crabs and sea anemones have a symbiotic relationship. The sea anemone receives food and gets transported by the hermit crab, and the sea anemone uses its stinging tentacles to protect the hermit crab.

In my opinion, this topic is interesting. I like this topic because it is easy to understand and I am learning it in a fun way. I got to play the Wii and I saw diagrams of symbiosis. It was a great way to learn this topic. For example, I probably would have had trouble learning the difference between the three types of symbiosis. But we drew diagrams and pictures and these helped me to understand. Overall, I liked this topic.

Information from